bean block interruption

Today while attempting to finish the pillow cover I started yesterday, I had many more than usual interruptions. First, there were songs that needed to be sung..."it' s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.." (( I love mr. rogers)), she tried out a bit of her photographic perspective with my camera phone, and there was a whole lot of "look at me!" As she -scoots across the floor seated on top of big brothers gi Joe size wooden hummer, giving her doll a ride around the house, who knew it was actually a ride-on toy? Then she spies the buttons and all else is forgotten. Oh so fun to work your fingers through, rise up into the air with a hearty fist full and listen to the satisfactory clinking cascade as they fall back into the box. But wait, I casually toss an empty felt container up next to her, wasting no time at all she begins to fill the new container...mostly missing.. and hitting the table top instead. Then, I swear I could see the lightbulb go on, as she completely bypassed my little "suggestion" of a game, and dumps everything out onto the table."Look mommy, its like snow!" Yes, and as close to it as we can get this winter, anyway
So by now I'm completely distracted and grab a square of wool to make another little felt container for her games, which ended up being more like a shallow dish than a container,
When I thought, Hey!!! ..beanbags would be fun...Oooo and a little cube would be even there you have it.
Now sometime today I plan on getting back to that pillow cover, but right now...I've got to get back to a very important game of catch.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

1 comment:

  1. Word to the double parentheses!! Mr. Rodgers rocks!
