thirft score
hey!, everyone...
organic yarn caterpillar
welcome,quiet september morning
in awe
when all words can just barely
shine light on the depth of life's most meaningful moments
and the celebration of colors, that once together... are one.
how an appearance of sharpness ,when examined closer
gives way to a reality of fragile, delicate, softness
the patient presence of life's signpostsjust awaiting an opening in our awareness
so they can share their gifts of guidance
small reminders of a gentle beauty
even in seemingly prickly conditions
what freshness and renewal ..releasing can reveal
at journey's end, and always when least expectedthe discovery of a glittering treasure
while you journey along your path today,
may you have moments of wonder and exploration
while walking back to the car I looked up and saw this..
..can you spot the smile in the sand?
lilly's new dress
love your veggies!
So, this collection of veggies is a bit of a mix,
some old favorites(mini versions) a corduroy carrot, an heirloom tomato,
and a few new friends to love, and now honestly ...
who doesn't love a potato?
just in case anyone out there with kids is curious as to how I make,well anything ..?
I just ~find.. a.. way~see that table in the photo above?
this is what it quickly tranforms into when you have four children at home
who love to create just as much as mama.
See that space in the lower left, yes I sat there ^ and lovingly hand painted
the detail on these mini totes amongst much joy and laughter
(we do get a bit silly when we're painting) :) with the proper motivation
anything is possible
a super fun water bottle cover to match this bag that I made,um
birthday wishes...but, shhh don't tell, it's a secret..
::my most favorite tree...
in the whole ..
wide ..
my 26.2
Each step required enormous determination, if it weren't for the sweetest, tired, little voice along side me, "I love you mommy you're doing so good" I don't think I could have gone on. midnight last night
..with a car full of sleeping kids (and dog)
And my ultra determined running buddy still pedaling away at my side
I crossed that infamous 26.2 mile mark and completed my own marathon.