in awe

There are times
when all words can just barely
shine light on the depth of life's most meaningful moments

this weekend spent in nature,
surrounded by solitude,
and in the company of dear friends.. old and new,
has left me in awe of the beauty that surrounds us all...

and the power we each hold
in bringing healing to ourselves
..each other...
and this beautiful planet we all share, take my hand and let's enjoy a walk together..
..the softness of our earth,

the illuminated brilliance of standing alone,

and the celebration of colors, that once together... are one.

how an appearance of sharpness ,when examined closer

gives way to a reality of fragile, delicate, softness

the patient presence of life's signpostsjust awaiting an opening in our awareness

so they can share their gifts of guidance

small reminders of a gentle beauty

even in seemingly prickly conditions

what freshness and renewal ..releasing can reveal

at journey's end, and always when least expectedthe discovery of a glittering treasure

while you journey along your path today,

may you have moments of wonder and exploration

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