Orchards are

Fun in the sun
Gather 'round folks, It's story time!

Our weather lately, has been a bit foggy and overcast especially in the mornings. So as we prepared for our early jont to the farm we thought surely this would be a time for warm sweaters, layers and pants. (usually we girls just love our skirts, no matter the weather we'll just wear taller socks, thank you very much) ;) But alas, the morning sun was a beamin' and we were quite the toasty bunch. All except for little Lil. Who had an explosion (Yes, that kind) on the long drive over. Oh, and did I mention the we didn't discover this until after we arrived?

Oh Yes, here let me share with you...
Our conversation went a little like this:
Scene-Daddy changing baby on hood of car...in parking lot...tiny parking lot...siblings racing off in all directions...
Did you grab the extra pants I laid out on the bed?
::long pause::
No? ...Did you?
Nope, ...okay, I'll dig in the bag to see if we have anything.
I've got two pairs of socks...and...five sun hats
now thinking to myself(I did bring that green yarn,maybe I could knit up a pair?)
::silence and blank expressions until...
Spots fabulously dressed older sister, wearing two shirts::

The always practical (and quite literal) shirt dress and rain boots combo is born!
Thanks to Nia's incredible fashion sense
the day was saved, or maybe the parents were?
All clothing catastrophes aside, we're now the proud owners of 20lbs.
of Organic apples, give or take.
Now, what to do with all these apples, juice anyone?

Every day holds countless possibilities for joy
and certainly humor. Like the laughter I expect to hear from my wonderful husband. When he reads this post and sees that yes, I put that picture with him frowning in it.
Here's to knowing that we always find a way to work it out.
Love you ;)

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