too much sewing?

....this is why I sew....

can't you just feel the joy

the excitement of a new idea, the anticipation of the finished product, and the joy and celebration of each of the ones I love most. To create together with these magical children, and to see their ideas materialize, that is why I keep on sewing.

That and I just love it. :)
Isn't there some sort of rule somewhere about how with practice there is improvement? Well this gown was taken apart two or was it three times? It also happens to be the third one I made, so sometimes the lesson is in patience I guess.


as promised two new arrivals, Snow and Tato;

from a totally addictive :) Japanese craft mag Mame Wanko

Left:Toto Center:Snow Right:Tato Sadly after this photo Tato has since gone MIA, in the garage of all places, we pray for his safe return. I suspect I'll be making a replacement sometime soon. ;)
I made this "quick knit" dress a few months ago now,(the hot pink ribbon tie has since disappeared, but it was awesome!) I'm thinkin' it's time to make another, now that fall is hinting at it's arrival. Perhaps a tinier version for our littlest be continued...


  1. Those little dogs are amazing! I can't do anything on such a small scale. And the dress - absolutely gorgeous.

  2. I love her in that purple dress...she looks so very Jane Austen there. O.
