*sneak peak*

.. just a taste of some of the new designs I've been working on.
I've been playing around in the studio and having a lot of fun (sometimes too much) trying out some new ideas on some of my favorite felted friends. This little lady is a fanciful version of your favorite and mine tofu the giraffe. With a magical twist.
Now my original goal of getting these new designs into my etsy shop by the end of this month has been extended due to computer issues ..can we say...fried motherboard? ::sigh::
Well, thank goodness for internet phones, hooray!
So, for now I'll just have to settle on sharing some eye candy with you as I progress with all this fantastical fun-ness ;) but just until we get back on track, and I can send some of these friends home to you :)


  1. I just love the new look! She is sweet and charming!

  2. Well thank you kindly, Annonomous :)
    Love, Natalie
