4 kids, no school and an empty house, for 4 weeks

Day in day out the same empty space many different and magical adventures. Our little two bedroom-yes, I know it's very cozy?!-  house sure seems enormous and loud with only four sleeping bags,an inflatable mattress, and three suitcases to furnish it. We had planned on our shipping container arriving one week after our plane touched down, at the time I thought what are we going to do for a whole week in an empty house? Ha! Oh, if I only knew. The days passed fairly quickly that first week. Lots of coloring and drawing, many walks around our new neighborhood. Exploring this house didn't take long ;) so we began to invent more elaborate games and activities to fill our days. After sunset, when daddy wasn't expected home til well passed bedtime, we began a game of marble monkey in the middle. If you ever find yourself in and empty home with four very energetic kids -who knows,could happen- this game could save your life -okay at least your sanity? So, the fun of the game is really in the size of the object, the smaller the better. Oh the laughter and strange noises heard as the littlest ones tried to out run that tiny orb across the living room floor and even louder cries of celebration or defeat as it was either captured midway by the monkey or made it all the way to the anxiously awaiting hands of older sibling. When surrounded by loved ones your imagination is really all you need to have a great day.

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