for Bennett

Husbands are great,
like when you wake up early Saturday morning to " hey babe, could you put something together for that get together this afternoon?" Uh..what? What time is it anyway..who now?
..I'm so not a morning person..
Well okay, I say and begin cutting felt and fabric I'm picturing a wee little farm ..portable..with bitty animals..maybe a pond ..some grass. All my fabulous scheming is interrupted by sounds of my thoughtful husband on the phone in the other room getting some much needed detail info ... age of precious new little one, color/animal know all the crucial info I usually get preferably a week or two in advance. Then I hear ..dinosaur.. so I just push all the wool and fabric to the side, gather some new colors and begin to bring this little guy out of my imagination..
Of course I just had to throw in some extras, organic wipes, flowers hairpins for mama, gratitude rabbit, felt mushroom rattle, all in a handmade gift bag . So I'm thinkin' ::whew:: so glad that this dino is coming out the way I pictured it.. and on the first try, in about an hour and a half too.In walks husband.. "see I knew you worked good under pressure, that's why I waited until the last minute. "WOW...thanks honey, and since you are a paying customer your total is three hundred for everything. "...F u n n y guy, gotta love him.
Just between you and me... I think he might be right. ;)

Our little Lilly just couldn't resist his dinsaury cuteness
and had to send him off filled with love and a goodbye hug.

welcome little Bennet
Such a special gift to come into a warm and loving family like
are a lucky little guy.
We love you all