
Ta Daah!
Next, we plan to make a door and stairs with railing. But, we were so overjoyed with the new roof and windows, we just couldn't wait. So, painting and decorating has already begun.

It's lovely to have a peaceful lull in the midafternoon, I even got in a bit of crafting.

check back in to see what I'm working on, or do you already know?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. are those sheep in the corner your working on?
    Love the new clubhouse!
    I had no idea you are homeschooling now! (I dont know if you know but I have homeschooled Dani since 5th grade!) It's amazing, and lucky you get to start with the little ones.
    Much love to you and all of yours.
    Love your garden, just getting started on mine for next year.
