
a quiet morning...

an amazing flight,

This entire flight from lift-off to landing couldn't have lasted even a minute, and oh the marvelous sound effects that accompanied this fantastic aeronautical display. I found myself transfixed, wondering right along with her just what the next step would be. Yes, by Joe this small plastic man fits into this part here, and , oh okay, his legs bend... and, oh what is this , hooray he sits, now up into the air with him, let's fly to the moon.

How is it that these brilliant discoveries have been occurring all around me and I with my "busy" agenda have been so completely oblivious to them. Now don't get me wrong I love a neat, clean home, something warm and delicious smelling coming from the kitchen, freshly bathed and well mannered kids. Somewhere amidst all of that orchestration, a part of me got lost.
Yet right here amongst the newly constructed towers of boxes, and the ever expanding mass of items by the front door fated to weekend garage sale (a.k.a. fundraiser), the persistent and mysteriously regenerative dishes in the sink, and my dear friend, the pile of clean clothes on the couch (that actually make a great pillow my ever "silver lining" husband tells me) and despite all of the chaos that is our lives right now, a space has opened for me. In it I have discovered the mama I want to be. No matter what the "mama... watch me" is for, or how many hundred times we read their favorite story, the time that it takes to Be there with them in those moments, will never equal the length of time they will carry those moments with them.

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