*stash busting* organic blankets

Island life has been difficult without a family vehicle, up until last weekend if we wanted(needed) to go some where we were biking. Now, while this is a very planet conscious way of travel, with this bunch(and the little legs) it means that we get in one family 'trip' per day. With this much effort put into just getting someplace, well, we kind of just want to stay put for a while where ever we happen to land. This has resulted in a few late nights at the beach where, we just had to stay to watch the sun set over the water, and that means late nights riding home with wet bathing suits. So, I started these knits with the beach and biking in mind, thankfully now the biking will still be happening but  a little more for pleasure not necessity. The first night we had our 'new' wagon we all piled in blankets in tow,  drove to the coast and watched the stars shinning over the water, and the clouds off in the distance light up with lightning. Warm, and all together..my favorite.


  1. These photos look like a shot straight out of a magazine! Hope you are doing well on the island! Much love, your Sis!

  2. Awe, thanks these were a blast to knit, island life is good. love ya too
