A super yummy Pear

..has made it's way into my shop this morning ;)

I've been longing for that warm summer sun,
and have had my fill of these gloomy overcast days.
So, to help herald in the new seasons and warm us all up a bit
I thought some cute pears should do the trick!
This wool sweater is a different blend than I usually use
and didn't felt up as much as I had hoped.
Instead, it stayed this soft silky texture,
some how it's more fitting for a pear anyway..don't you think? :)
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Very cute! I just wanted to let you know that we still use your excellent wash cloths (still blowing them up in the bath!). They are getting a bit icky now so I will have to get some more soon. Hope all is going well for you and your family. Love your logo and your shop is looking great!!! Rachelle

  2. Thank you Rachelle! I'm trying to post a new item every week.. so it's great to know that someone will notice :)
    Glad to hear the wipes are still providing some bath time fun!
    And thanks for the tip, cause now we use them as bath balloons too!
    Thanks for the support!
