love your veggies!

super ultra fabulous mini totes are here!

So, this collection of veggies is a bit of a mix,

some old favorites(mini versions) a corduroy carrot, an heirloom tomato,
and a few new friends to love, and now honestly ...
who doesn't love a potato?


:: pssst..cmon' take a quick peek @ the making of ::

scored these linoleum tiles at a yard sale last year
and finally put one of them to good use for some ~block style~ fabric printing

The material I used for these mini totes is actually
reclaimed canvas from some larger totes that never made it to the sale floor.

so in keeping with the eco/recycle/re-use theme,
I set out to see just what I could come up with for the designhold on while I...just fashion a makeshift roller (a.k.a. a mini paint roller),
fake the "ink" with some lightly watered down acrylics and voila!
You can fabric stamp to your hearts content..using what is already available,
and don't you just love that?

just in case anyone out there with kids is curious as to how I make,well anything ..?

I just ~find.. a.. way~see that table in the photo above?

this is what it quickly tranforms into when you have four children at home

who love to create just as much as mama.

See that space in the lower left, yes I sat there ^ and lovingly hand painted

the detail on these mini totes amongst much joy and laughter

(we do get a bit silly when we're painting) :) with the proper motivation

anything is possible


some people believe that the sight of a hummingbird brings joy,
yet others believe it to be a sign of good luck and fortune..
so, when you hear that unmistakable teeny tiny,sweet chirping,
and it's coming from your kitchen..
and for a small instant you get to hold a miriacle of creation in your own hands..
what does that mean?



A little photo recap

of all things wonderful, when turning a new page..a cheery new(to me) thrifted linen tablecloth
just the perfect compliment to my favorite vase not to mention
the most special *picked-by-tiny-hands* flowers from our yard. ;)

a present to myself
a super fun water bottle cover to match this bag that I made,um
...well, let's just say a while back
birthday wishes...but, shhh don't tell, it's a secret..


::my most favorite tree...
in the whole ..

wide ..


my 26.2

So, yesterday I had :: a moment::
I get them from time to time, and I end up doing the craziest things.
like running my own marathon
at night
while I'm still 30(for one more day)
There were no starting lines, no crowd to cheer me on,
just an extremely determined ten year old on his bike,
and an incredibly devoted and supportive husband
in our car full of little girls.
I had no idea when I would finish and I wondered many times if I could at all, the last 6 miles are said to be the most difficult.
That was definitely true, and for me it was that very last mile.
Each step required enormous determination, if it weren't for the sweetest, tired, little voice along side me, "I love you mommy you're doing so good" I don't think I could have gone on.
when I hit .7 I started crying , my legs hurt so bad I didn't think I could take one more step, and the thought of quitting when I was so close broke my heart.. midnight last night
..with a car full of sleeping kids (and dog)
And my ultra determined running buddy still pedaling away at my side
I crossed that infamous 26.2 mile mark and completed my own marathon.