
::here you promised::
Okay who wants some fries?
This little set has been a long time in the making, I just had to get the perfect color wool sweater, and that took some time.The trick with fries is deciding on the container,..newsprint roll? ..plate? I decided to go with the little sack, and top it with a stripe of that Organic yarn I just can't get enough of.

So whilst I was on a snack making kick,I thought how fun would it be to make one of our family faves...

The raisins were my favorite part of making this little snack. I had some alpaca yarn that I had previously unraveled from the most interesting sweater that I've ever seen(I really should have taken pictures).

I love it when things turn out perfect on the first try, like this plate for's just as I pictured it, not to mention, it was quick and that to!


  1. soooo cute! i love your plush items and i love your blog. i found you by way of the Etsy front page today; congrats! xoxo
