It's been a long time since this little blue Vespa has seen the open road..
ten years give or take.
Have you ever looked around at your life and gone
..wait a minute just when did I stop doing ___ or when did I stop being ___?
Well, that is just the place Tylor and I have been
since the beginning of this year,
when we started trying to get back to ourselves and each other.
and here is Tylor's passion (since age12!)
...awesome and "Oh, so Euro.."Vespa scooters.
Our road together may not be the norm, we met when I was sixteen & he was 25.
To say we have had our ups and downs would be a huge understatement. :)
Yet, here we are now 14 years later, nine years of marriage
and four glorious little beings surround us every waking moment
(also in the non-waking moments, actually).
In the middle of all the chaos that comes with family,
we have begun to uncover the us we used to be.
The going is a bit slower than I would like ::patience natalie::
but the feeling is incredible and worth every minute.
So, here's to you Ty you rock!
..::Happy Anniversary::..
To all of our shared memories
new adventures
Whatever Works!